
The IT_Square tool is a geometric drawing tool will help determine support/resistance, entries or targets. Requires the chart to be square. Build 7v2
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Manufacturer: Integrity Traders


The IT_Square tool is a price and time cycle metric tool bringing symmetry and price action into a single drawing. Angle of ascent or descent as well as move timing are built into a single A-B drawing.

The IT_Square is another way to identify support and resistance areas by price action on a squared up (Gann) chart.




                           The IT_Square with the extended squares and fan enabled.



 Quick settings from button.





Many settings and adjustments.


The below video shows how to manually square up a chart and set up a square by drawing individual lines, the hard way.
This operation is so quick and easy with the IT_Square and IT_ChartSquare tools and a couple of clicks:


Key Features

  • Easily draw a perfect square pattern.
  • Ability to apply two tools at once, just change the ID color of the second.
  • Price snapping on/off, Start, End and Move snapping.
  • Settings for enable/disable, thickness, color, style of various elements.
  • Visibility on/off.
  • Angle display while drawing option.
  • Fan option.
  • Extended squares option.
  • Small toolbar button option
  • Definable hot key
  • Survives chart refreshes and restarts
  • Anchors will never wander to other bars on refreshes/restarts
  • Quick settings available from the button without opening parameters.

Change Log

3/16/16 - Added fan lines with two settings, angle display option while drawing the A-B line, extended squares option.

3/11/16 - added product


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