
The IT_MA_TrendBars indicator is a multi-purpose 'paintbar study' which paints your bars/candles according to the interaction of two moving averages you select.
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Manufacturer: Integrity Traders

MA TrendBars

The IT_MA_TrendBars indicator can help determine when the move starts and stops.  This is done by the interaction of two moving averages which is interpreted and colors your bars or candlesticks accordingly. The moving average lines may be turned on or off.


 Although a simple indicator, it is very configurable. There are many input types to choose from for each moving average.

 Here you can see the setting for MAConvergence/Divergence interaction in determining color bars.




 There are many different moving averages to choose from and each is configurable independently from the other.

 Here is the difference when set to MA Above/Below to determine the bar colors.





The selectable moving averages are: HMA, SMA, EMA, WMA, TEMA, VWMA, TSF, TMA, SMMA, ZeroLagEMA , ZeroLagTEMA and ZeroLagHATEMA . Replaced Linear Regression with SMMA. To get a LinReg MA use TSF and set the Forcast to 0 (zero).

The selectable inputs are: Open, Close, High, Low, Median, OHLC, Pivot and Mid.

This (initially) simple indicator just gets more comprehensive! Added individual displacement settings - 12/15/09. See below.



Change Log

3/4/13 - Added LinReg and LinRegIntercept to the indicator.

1/9/10 - Changed the Pivots input to Typical since they do the same thing. Also removed the ability to set individual inputs for VWMA because it would not plot right. Re-enabled the standard 'Price type' setting which will only affect VWMA and will affect both MA's the same if both set to VWMA. Fixed bug where both MA's had same displacement.

6/26/10 - Added T3 and DEMA from NT7 to the NT6.5 version and modified the ZeroLagEMA to the NT7 version. Note: The DEMA indicator is actually the same as the prior ZeroLagEMA. Use DEMA instead. The new ZeroLagEMA is different and identical to the new NT7 version. Also the T3 indicator has the extra setting of the NT7 T3 system indicator. Also added optional moving average cross identifier dots. Also added trend style candle option.

6/26/10 - Added IT_MA_TrendBars for NT7.

This indicator is strategy ready after 9/12/11 - Public variable CandleColor value of 1 = "Blue"/uptrend candle color, -1 = "Red"/downtrend candle color, 0 = "Yellow"/neutral candle color.


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Thursday, 29 November 2012
The TrendBars is fantastic. Dan, you have created a superb indicator. There is so much flexiblily built into this thing. Great job, and thank you, the TrendBars indicator has really been an excellent addition to my trading toolbox.
David Wren